The Post with no nameThe Post with no name

The Post with no name

Oh so much going on where to start. Well let’s start with this:

I had this song stuck in my head all day yesterday, and I couldn’t remember fo the life of me who sang it. Now I am on a huge Collective Soul kick, some serious nostalgia attached to some of these songs.
This one is going to be a lifelong favorite also:

It’s not quite

(you just can’t beat the raw emotion of that song) but it is still awesome.

One last music thing, if you like myself loved the first Third Eye Blind album, I believe you will like the album Ursa Major. This is not the best song on the album, but it shows they are much more back on their original track I think. The over-produced sound of Blue turned a lot of folks off. Out of the Vein was much better, and this album really builds on that. The are already working on Ursa Minor as a companion album so we’ll see how it works out.

I finally watched THX 1138 on PS3 Netflix. I can see why ol’ George was ided as an up and coming. I kinda wonder what might have been for him if he hadn’t had the success of Star Wars. It wasn’t an amazing, life changing piece of film but it was fairly impressive. probably a 3.5/5 overall, if you modify it for the inherently slow paced nature of such films from the time period it goes up to a solid 4.

That leads me to my next topic, Netflix enabled devices, specifically in this case the PS3. I had not dealt with Netflix at all until the PS3 deal went through. I had always heard good things, I just never felt the need would meet the cost requirement. So with my wife’s encouragement I signed us up. So 2 days later our disk shows up and we dive in. So a couple of things. The PS3 interface in MINIMAL, to really get into your choices you pretty much have to use the web browser interface. After you have added stuff to your Instant Queue, getting to it from your PS3 is incredibly simple. The video quality is excellent, especially on HD items. Which leads me to my only real gripe, the limited number of items that are available for online viewing. I’m sure there are storage and licensing issues, but with the online streaming being a big selling point right now, the selection is quite limited. It also appears to be little to no logic as to which are or are not online.

Finally, the old PS2 game Dual Hearts. It came out about the same time as Kingdom Hearts, and was greatly overshadowed by it. because of this is had a bit of a cult following claiming it got overlooked because of it. I went ahead an bought it off of this rhetoric, and promptly proceeded to never play it. My oldest picked it up yesterday (see my previous note about how unfocused kids in gaming are) and I have to say I think the case was overstated. While by no means a bad game so far, it just isn’t delivering the “wow” factor that would make it better than KH. It suffers from the same camera/jumping issue that KH did, and the story is even more JRPG stock than KH. I haven’t seen enough to give it a rating yet, but I thought it was interesting.

Anyway I think i have prattled on long enough for now. Later all,
