Matt Smith's Doctor Is In for the Foreseeable Future

Apparently Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has convinced Matt Smith, who was vaguely rumored to be leaving the series at some point during the show’s 50th anniversary kibbutz — although every single person involved in Doctor Who is constantly rumored to be leaving and/or staying while they’re on the series — to stick around through an eighth season of Nu-Who. Apparently, it was Moffat’s pitch for the season premiere, which included this line: “Are you ready to cry?” First of all, sorry for all you folks who aren’t fans of Matt Smith’s Doctor, although I dig him immensely. Second of all, this means that Smith will stick around for four full seasons, which will give him a longer tenure than the beloved David Tennant, which will likely piss off a few fans who still worship at the altar of the Tenth’s overcoat. Third, GODDAMMIT MOFFAT CAN YOU NOT GIVE US A SEASON OF DOCTOR WHO WHERE WE DON’T WEEP INCONSOLABLY AT THE TRAGEDY YOU PUT ON SCREEN? Sigh. Tell you what — you give River a rest, and you can kill a time-traveling puppy or something. Fair’s fair. (Via The Sun)

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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