Best/Worst Moments in Blade Runner 2: And the Winners Are…

You know, I always forget you guys have the capacity to be brilliant. Wait, let me amend that — I know you guys have the ability to be brilliant in a horrible, terrifying way, that you can be hilariously mean and astoundingly funny. What I forget is that you can also use your powers for good, like in this weekend’s contest, sponsored by the Blade Runner 30th Anniversary Collector’s Edition.  Sure, there were tons of hilariously bad “worst” moments and scene, more than the “best” by 2-to-1 or so. But many of the “best” moments were genuinely great, and Ridley Scott could do a lot worse than read through the results to get some ideas for the eventual sequel (and what to avoid, of course). Anyways, read on to see which two of you folks won the >Blade Runner 30th Anniversary Collector’s Edition set! (Everyone who didn’t win, just make yourself an origami unicorn or something.)

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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