Why Announce the PS Vita price drop early and in JP region only?

So for a thought of the day: We postulated, as has much of the community, that the announcement on Wednesday in New York is the PS4 reveal. In an odd twist, late Sunday/early Monday we get word of a pending PS announcement in Japan. That announcement turned out to be a price cut and release dates for a hand full of titles I honestly hadn’t heard of (mostly Monster Hunter clones from what I read). The question now becomes, why? Why make this announcement now when you already have a major stage set in 2 days? Is it that some Japanese sensibility would be offended? That makes little sense if in fact they are revealing the system in North America rather than home soil. Is it supposed to provide some build up? That doesn’t really align with the hype model they have been building with. Honestly the only thing that makes sense to me is THAT was the big Wednesday announcement, and now they are scrambling to get the PS4 reveal ready. Actually that doesn’t make a lot of sense either, but it’s the only thing I have been able to come up with. Course it could just be that SCEA/J are just run by sea monkeys that just randomly generate stuff made from their own waste. Actually that would explain a lot….