What Should/Will a Fifth Indiana Jones Film Be Like?: And the Winners Are…

If indifference has a name, it must be Indiana Jones! I write that because this contest only had a paltry 221 entries — which means either that you were all busy living your lives over the weekend or you just don’t give one shit about the Indy franchise’s future prospects. Of course I can take some responsibility here too and say that maybe it just wasn’t the greatest idea for a contest in the first place, but where’s the fun in that?For whatever the reason, this competition didn’t exactly set the comments section on fire. On the plus side, the small amount of entries made the judging way easy for me, so MWAHAHA. Seriously though, instead of being bummed by the lack of submissions I’ll just put this whole mess behind me and look somewhat optimistically towards the future. (Which, coincidentally enough, is the same attitude most viewers of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull had when they left the theaters). So I guess it all comes full circle!Your honorable mentions and winners are after the jump. Let’s just keep the fridge-nuking jokes to a minimum, shall we?

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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