We Should All Probably Be Sad Mockingbird Lane Was Canceled Now

The first preview for Bryan Fuller’s Mockingbird Lane TV series — now smushed into a TV movie by NBC, after paying $10 million for it and then somehow deciding it’s not what they wanted — is finally here, and guess what? It looks pretty damned good. Given Fuller’s track record of Pushing Daisies, Wonderfalls, the first season of Heroes, and all that, I don’t know why I’m so surprised, but I’m also kind of surprised to discover Mockingbird Lane is actually funny — with all those somber preview shots, I guess I forgot this was going to be a comedy (I’m kind of dumb, admittedly). Anyways, the show looks pretty great, Eddie Izzard is perfect for Grandpa Munster (that is a sentence I never thought I’d type) and now I’m genuinely sad we’re not getting an actual show out of this.

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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