The New Castle Grayskull Would Be the Greatest Toy Ever If It Were Getting Made, Which It's Not

I don’t really understand how Mattel can’t get the new Castle Grayskull playset sculpted — I thought they pretty much had the famed toy sculptors the Four Horsemen under contract or something — but I’m sure they would if they could. Because without a phsyical prototype to show off, Mattel’s “Toy Guru” Scott Neitlich is forced to try and drum up pre-orders with this foam representation. Amazingly, the foam set is still impressive, if only because it’s so goddamned huge. Seriously, haviung the old Grayskull set next to it was a great move, because that thing was not small. If the new Grayskull gets made, it’ll be absolutely incredible.Unfortunately, it’s not gonna happen. The pre-order “goal” bar is less than 20% filled, with about three weeks to go. As much as He-Man fans have been clamoring for this (and yes, I refuse to call them He-Fans) there’s just not enough to make this happen. I want this thing more than life itself, and I’m not pre-ordering one because I can’t afford $250 (I can’t really afford the regular MotUC subscription either, but that I means I really can’t afford Grayskull. And if a He-Man fan as hardcore as I am can’t order it, I know there are plenty of sad bastards in the same boat with me. Why don’t you try this again during a year when you haven’t forced the Star Sisters, the Snake Men, the Griffin and Procrustus on us, Mattel. (Via

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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