Ramblings of a man waiting for a refrigerator repairman.

I don’t have much time, but I need to say a big thanks to Neo for filling in while I’m sorting personal issues.  My mom goes in for surgery next Friday, but they have said she will only need two weeks to recover from the surgery (which is amazing).

Rock Band + Zombies + Felicia Day + Neil Patrick Harris = sad me because I don’t own a wii.

It’s true! Rock of the Dead will use your existing wii guitar hero/rock band controllers to stop advancing zombies ala Typing of the Dead and stars NPH with love interest Felicia Day. Color me a sad panda for the first time EVER for not having a Wii.


Another sad but true story today: RedOctane, the original publisher of Guitar Hero I and II (and for me, more importantly, makers of some kick ass Dance Dance Revolution pads) has been axed by evil Activision. What a dumb move, to axe one of the most innovative peripheral companies around. I hope Bobby Kotick has a special place reserved for him in the fires below. The words ‘corporate douschebag’ come to mind.

Continuing and wrapping up the sad news stories for the day, Alan Wake has been canceled for the PC, with Microsoft citing it was ‘for the wrong platform.’ IE, PC users aren’t good enough to have it, while 360 users are. For me, that’s sad, as I was really looking forward to this one since I refuse to buy a 360. I think I’ll console myself with Heavy Rain.

The repairman has finally left, and I have a refrigerator after three weeks of canned food and pasta! Hooray!!!!!

Off to work, but first: