Jim Henson's Miskreant Puppets Have Some Awkward Gifts

It’s a common misperception that everything the Jim Henson Company does is entirely family friendly. They’re great at being family friendly without being cloying, but the Miskreant Puppets here are just a bit more warped and dirty-minded than your average Muppet.

Courtesy of the Nerdist Channel, they have a Christmas song to sing you that should put a smile in your heart and a sickness in your soul, simultaneously.

And I love the cameo by Marvin E. Quasniki, whom the Henson Company tried to position as a fictional presidential candidate, only to give up on the gag long before the election. His repurposing here is particularly hilarious if you remember him as a would-be politician.

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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