Behold, A Man Constructing A Teeny Tiny Fast-Food Meal

It’s been a week without off-topic posts, and I’ve missed sharing random, cool, randomly cool things with you guys. Here now, an oldie but a goodie—a man assembles a tiny, adorable, oddly sad little fast food meal. I’m sure our friends at Kotaku East would have more to add to this video, but I’ll just say this is very interesting and leave it at that.

Would you eat this tiny little guy? How about if a hurricane had left you without power? Is there a big future in powdered food? Did this video make you more hungry, or less hungry?

Feel free to discuss that, or whatever else, here or over in the Talk Amongst Yourselves forum. I hope you’re all safe and dry, and am so happy to be publishing at our regular site again. If you’d like to help support relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy, you can find more info here.

Have good chatting, see you tomorrow.

Originally written and published by Kirk Hamilton at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.
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