Aweseome Bad Movie Trifecta: Creeporia, Age of The Hobbits, Manborg

• Topless Roboteer Greymattersplat alerted me to Creeporia, a movie he’s an extra in, which will hit VOD next month. It’s obviously tongue-in-cheek, but that doesn’t make the sight of a werewolf wearing a vest or an old dude dragging a sled full of severed heads any last awesome.• Remember The Asylum’s trademark infringing Age of the Hobbits movie I said was going to get crushed? Warner Bros. has begun the crushing. Note: I sincerely doubt Age of the Hobbits is going to be awesome (or even get made), but it seemed unfair to call this article a “Bad Movie Trifecta” when Creeporia and the next entry look so fun. (Via Blastr)• This is the trailer for Manborg. Watch it, and know your life has irrevocably changed for the better. Apparently it’s coming out in January, meaning I now have a new reason why I hope the world doesn’t end in December. (Via Gamma Squad)

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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