Five Secrets You Probably Missed in Dark Souls 2


#2 – Ballista the Pursuer (to death)

I cannot tell you how many times I have assisted other players with this boss, just to see them fail spectacularly. The Pursuer is a unique boss in that he shows up BEFORE his boss fight. Let me explain — In the Forest of the Fallen Giants, near the wall that gets blown out for your bonfire, there is a ladder. He shows up exactly once when you climb up there — his eagle drops him off and he tries to kill you. If you beat him, great. Nothing extra special for you, it just means you don’t fight him where he normally lives, at the top of the keep. If you DO fight him at the top of the keep, look around! There are two giant ballistas. If he is focused on you (and you wisely summoned some help) great! Look where the ballistas point, back off a little and keep him focused on you. Hopefully your ghosts will be experienced and start shooting him. If he’s focused on someone else, then YOU go man the ballista. 3-4 shots and he becomes the easiest boss in the game (for now).

Are you ready for Number One? Now the challenge really begins…

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