Five Secrets You Probably Missed in Dark Souls 2


#3 – Dragon’s Memory

Remember the room where you fought the Duke’s Dear Freja? Of course you do. How can you forget that battle? Ever? Or the sticky situation leading up to it. (tee-hee) But here’s a secret you probably overlooked. Later in the game, you get the ability via an item to travel into the memories of things that are long dead, but still have some remnant in the world. Now the intention is for you to use this on the giants in the forest, but if you return to the room where you fought the Duke’s Dear Freja, you will see a column that wasn’t there before, leading up to something you probably noticed — the giant petrified dragon. You can enter its memory and receive the Ancient Dragon Soul, which you can trade for a curved weapon or cash for 75 thousand souls. Either way, Ancient Dragons are deeelish! (especially with drawn butter and lemon)

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