TR Contest Special: Cocktail Hour, Sponsored by Funimation

This contest is going to be weird for a lot of reasons. First off, it’s being sponsored by Funimation. This isn’t weird in and of itself, but they’re offering a Roku box to one winner, which is both weird and awesome. For those who don’t know, Roku is a tiny box that connects your TV that streams a ridiculous amount of content from Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and more. Funimation has just released their own Roku app, which allows people to check out the vast Funimation catalog from the comfort of your home, including promotional episodes, clips, and trailers, all for free. And if you become an Elite Member, you get HD video and full access to over 6,000+ episodes! That’s… that’s a lot.The second weird part is that Roku only works in the U.S., so unfortunately, the grand prize winner will have to live in the U.S. (or not care they’re getting something that won’t work, I guess). International readers are welcome to enter — because two second prize winners will also receive some Funimation DVDs and a TR shirt!The contest is this: Design your own nerdy cocktail. It does not have to be alcoholic. To make a true cocktail, it needs to have at least three ingredients — and for the purposes of this contest, it will need an exceedingly clever (and nerdy) name and/or theme. Three entries per person. Contest ends at 12:01 am EST on Monday, September 24th. Much thanks to Funimation for sponsoring the contest with such an amazing prize! You guys have a great weekend, and please enter the contest responsibly! Whatever that means!

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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