This Portable SNES Looks Like It'd Fit Right In at an Emergency Command Post

This Portable SNES Looks Like It'd Fit Right In at an Emergency Command PostModder robotairz of Reddit today shared a gallery of this portable Super Nintendo, which he says he made last year but just got around to uploading today. The emergency-management-services yellow of the toolbox and the super snug, shock-proof interior make this thing an awesome addition to someone’s disaster preparedness kit.

robotairz was offered $900 for it, and he said he’s looking to sell it, so, who knows, if you gotta wanna needa hava, send him a PM. Or just head over and give him a thumbs up for a job well done.

Many more pictures are available through imgur.

a portable super nintendo i made last year. thought reddit might like it. [Reddit]

Originally written and published by Owen Good at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.
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