These Guys Are Already Playing (Some of) Black Ops 2 [Video]

While not the full game (impossible, since it’s not even done yet), some enterprising thieves appear to have managed to get hold of a demo for the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. And proceed to do what you’d expect.

Namely, we get a video with the worst soundtrack on Earth, obnoxious overlays of developer interviews and obtrusive watermarks.

While the demo – presumably lifted from a recent Black Ops II’s showing – is only limited to a bit of multiplayer, Activision has since confirmed to Kotaku that it’s a legitimate portion of the game, issuing a statement that reads “The video posted is from a development demo build, using developer tools meant for testing. The retail build was never accessed or compromised.”

Which explains all the jumping and floating around; while the video was first posted on the YouTube page of a self-professed Call of Duty modder, and is angled as some “triumph” for hackers, Activision’s statement suggests the “no clipping” visible is the result of “developer tools”, not a hack or mod.

UPDATEStory edited to reflect Activision’s confirmation.

UPDATE 2We’ve heard the leak may have come from a closed internal beta, not a public showing.

iHcJames [YouTube, original video removed]

Originally written and published by Luke Plunkett at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.
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