The Most Romantic Organ-Donation Story I've Seen All Day

Who knew that heart transplant surgery could be so romantic? I did not. And yet this video for “I Have Your Heart,” by artist Molly Crabapple, musician Kim Boekbinder and animator Jim Batt, is one of the most delightfully romantic things I’ve seen in a while.

The whole project was funded by a Kickstarter campaign, which is actually a good reminder that sometimes people just need to raise a little money on Kickstarter to do something cool. It’s not always multi-million dollar video game reboots.

Does anyone out there have any donated organs? Do you ever wonder about whose organ it is, and if it’ll change you in some way? (Haven’t there been horror films about this?)

Feel free to discuss that, or whatever else you like, here or over in the Talk Amongst Yourselves forum. Have good chatting, see you tomorrow.

(Via Laughing Squid)

Originally written and published by Kirk Hamilton at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.
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