The Battle Beasts Are Back, Baby

It’s taken long enough. Years after revealing they had the license, and a wide, esoteric smattering of exclusive releases, Diamond Select has revealed the first official wave of Battle Beasts figures. From left to right, they are: Scorpion, Snake and Tarantula (top row); some humans (middle row); and Gruntos the Walrus, Vorin the Ram and Merk the Falcon (bottom row). The two-packs consist of Gruntos the male human, Snake and the female human, Tarantula and Merk, and finally Vorin and Scorpion, who should all show up in comic shops in December — the Toys “R” Us sets will have different humans, and different decos on the Beasts themselves. I’ll post them if they’re different enough. I remember a few folks were worried about how they were using the Mini-Mates bodies for these thing, but look at ’em — practically all of them (besides the humans) are their own unique sculpts. These things are gorgeous. You should all buy a set of them so they can make me a Penguin Warrior. Please.

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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