The 9 Major Journalists of Nerd-Dom

From the days of the town crier, to the advent of the newspaper and on to radio, television and the Internet, the basic principle of journalism has been the same: ALWAYS GET THE SCOOP ON THE COMPETITION. Oh, and if you have time, do some fact-checking. Or you can save time and ensure your position on the cutting edge if you simply decide what the news will be, exaggerate or just plain make things up to increase your readership or use your platform to bring public perception in line with your opinion.Journalists play a major role in many of the fictional worlds we nerds enjoy. They can reveal the truth, suppress the truth, or craft it to their own purposes. They can be heroes and villains in their own right. The can also be taken hostage several million times, just for hanging out with the heroes. The point is, whether they use their powers for good or ill, the play a large part in defining the nerdy worlds they inhabit. Here, in no particular order  — especially not their morality or their talent — are the nine biggest journalists in nerd-dom.

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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