The 7 Most Useless Star Trek Main Characters

Want to feel old? It’s been nearly 50 years since Star Trek originally hit the airwaves back in 1966. By this point, Gene Roddenberry’s original space saga and its various spin-off series and films have proven Trek to be the most enduring and popular franchise in entertainment history…even with some notable missteps along the way. Whether you chalk it up to sycophantic fanboys or the allure of a future free from most of the societal ills, Trek has weathered more storms than a Maquis ship hiding in the Badlands during the past five decades.The most unforgivable of these screw-ups are characters that were either misguided ideas from the start or never given the chance to make an impact on their respective shows. So for today’s Daily List, Topless Robot will be taking a look at the seven most useless characters in Star Trek’s storied history.From annoying curmudgeons to crappy comic relief aliens, these are all folks who could be (and in some cases were) jettisoned from their shows without making any kind of impact on the space/time continuum. As always, your space mileage may vary, so be sure to mention your picks for the most dispensable characters in the comments.

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