The 7 Least Terrifying Dragons in Nerd-Dom

In the days of yore and the age of legends, there lived monstrous beasts known as dragons. They lived on land, soared in the sky, and petrified our ancestors with their ability to storm towns, belch flames, and, even if slain, rained poison blood upon those unlucky enough to vanquish them off this mortal coil.

That, people, was a long time ago. We’re a skeptical society that, like it or not, is just not as easily impressed. Hell, we’ve turned the word “fail,” audaciously, into a complete sentence. But even with that in mind, our more reserved nature actually is relevant when discussing dragons because, well, there’s been a swelling of lame, unimpressive, and sometimes even sweater-clad ones. Whereas brave knights might have entered into battle against these dragon-fails, today, we are smarter: We know the best defense is to cherry-pick them, number them arbitrarily, and mock them in list form. Behold!

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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