The 15 Greatest Classic Nickelodeon Shows

If you grew up in the 1980s, chances are that your favorite babysitter was Nickelodeon. Because the channel came with every basic cable package, it brought an array of kid-friendly programming into households throughout America. On any given day young viewers could experience the wholesome adventures of a gnome named David, learn about the wonderful world of science with Don “Mr. Wizard” Herbert, laugh as Canadians get drenched with slime, or dream about grabbing a flag from a comically oversized nose with hopes of winning a trip to Universal Studios, Florida. To quote Ray Liotta in Goodfellas, it was a glorious time. The strength of the network was that it was more interested in actually engaging the minds of its young viewers than just simply throwing programming at them. Nickelodeon rightfully earned a reputation as a channel that not only appealed to children, but understood them and their viewing needs as well. As a result, it presented kids programming that still makes former viewers misty-eyed. While the network still churns out worthwhile shows, the sheer volume of competitors it faces these days doesn’t earn it the same type of reverence that it possessed during Nick’s golden age from roughly 1984-1994. In celebration of that wondrous era, today’s Daily List focuses on 15 of the greatest classic Nick show. Did your favorite show make the cut? I don’t kn…read on and see for yourself.

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