The 10 Greatest Giant Movie Monsters of All Time

Giant monsters have been around long before movies. The Book of Job has an extensive discussion of the Leviathan; the Greeks told stories of the terrible Typhon, whose hundred serpentine heads scraped the stars; and dragons were a part of many culture’s mythologies long before the first Tyrannosaurus skeleton was discovered and confirmed that yes, dragons did once more or less exist.

But the growth of public interest in dinosaurs happened to coincide with the rise of cinema (particularly the discovery of T. rex, around 1900), and as a result, there was a stampede of dinosaurs throughout the first few decades of film history. Many of these beasts began to increase in size, as well as increase in their distaste for humans and their major metropolitan centers.

There have been several lists here at Topless Robot that have covered the topic of giant movie monsters, but never one that tried to pick out the ones that have made the biggest impact on nerd-dom. Well, TR is nothing if not prone to hyperbole, so it’s we feel comfortable saying the following list is unquestionably the definitive lineup of the ten most memorable giant movie monsters ever created.

[Note – for the purposes of this list, a “giant” monster has to be at least fifty feet tall. So while the monster from The Host is cool, it’s barely bigger than an elephant.]

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