The 10 Best Nerdy Non-Professional Web Series'

At this point, any respectable genre fan can quickly rattle off the names of several popular web series. The Guild. Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Chad Vader: Day Shift Manager. Legend of Neil. And on and on and on. As great as all of those are, they have either serious star power or some big deal website sponsoring and/or funding them. But what of the little guys out there who are struggling to get their creative (and decidedly nerdy) visions realized through Kickstarter, Indiegogo or other crowd-funding options?Today’s Daily List is all about the underdogs. The ten web series’ that are featured here may not be household names yet but they all are clever and well-made. Since my picks are subjective, and because there are thousands of indie series’ created by non-professionals floating around on the Internet, some of your favorites are certain to be missing from this list. So be sure to name your picks in the comments. That said, here’s an assortment of web programs that are short on recognition and cash-flow but huge on entertainment. Let’s take a look.

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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