Street Fighter X Tekken Vita Review

Street Fighter X Tekken is, without any question, the most divisive fighting game Capcom has ever produced. At no point in Street Fighter’s 25-year history has a single entry so completely embodied the unique dichotomy that exists within its fan base. It’s easy to argue that casual fight fans are usually playing an entirely different game from the hardcore nuts, but for SFxT, this proves especially true. Players looking for a good time with some buddies and beers won’t find it any more or less entertaining than Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition or Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, but for more serious challengers, it leaves a lot to be desired. How much you get out of the Vita release – which is seven months late to the market — will have a lot to do with which category you place yourself in.

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Originally written and published by at IGN PS3. Click here to read the original story.
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