Square Enix Would Like You to Know Final Fantasy XIV Might Stop Sucking at Some Point in the Near Future

Square Enix’s MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV sucked. Actually, it sucked and it was broken. Two different things. Since the game was released back in September of 2010, Square Enix has worked tirelessly on trying to make the online Final Fantasy playable/good, while crapping out shitty sequels to the horrible Final Fantasy XIII. The result of all their hard work? Final Fantasy XIV: The Realm Reborn, which Square Enix promises/hopes will not be broken and/or suck, once its released this winter. As you can tell by the video above, Square still knows how to make a cinematic, but since there’s no gameplay there’s no telling how improved, if at all, FFXIV might be. I won’t ever find out, because I’ll give FFXIII another try before I pay Square Enix a monthly fee for an online game, and I’ll only be playing FFXIII when I’m dead. And in hell. Because the devil is making me. As torture. Because Final Fantasy XIII sucks. Am I being too subtle here? (Via Kotaku)

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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