so…Wow. (not the MMO)

I’m SOOO out of it right now.  My brain is officially mush.

Four hour+ conference call, 17 authorization forms, a board meeting, a tech call and helping members who came in and members who phoned.  My today: 14 hours.  I plan on going faaaaaaaar off the radar Sunday; as it’s my last day off for 13 days with each of those days being like today.

What I know:

Rocketboom has not updated their Know Your Meme for far too long.  So in the spirit of pushing them to do more with hits, I give you a phenomenon that hits close to home for every comic book nerd/Walmart shopper:  The Three Wolf Moon.

I don’t speak about it much, but among other things I have a dire addiction to martial arts movies.  I even made one myself, once upon a time (It was called Gazebo, and starred an ancient but slumbering demon named the Gazebo monster, that awoke once every thousand years to protect innocent Gazebos from being torn down by ruthless universities.)  I, of course, played the evil University representative who was ultimately skilled in Martial arts.  Unfortunately, I fell to the Gazebo monster, and the Gazebo was saved.  Of course, that’s how I’d written it.  I wish I could tell you how much I love kung fu flicks, but if you glean anything from that last paragraph, then you already know.

Recently, I have become dissatisfied with Jackie Chan’s movies.  I really feel he’s dumbed down; which I get… the guy is getting much older and doesn’t heal as quickly.  But what frustrates me is the man has so much to give the film/net industry.  Become a full-time choreographer.  Don’t make crappy kids’ movies.

But for now, I leave you with a clip of Jackie in his prime from the movie Thunderbolt:

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Super last word on this today: If you want to see Jackie in his finest hour, I can’t suggest Legend of the Drunken Master enough.  Numerous fight sequences brilliantly choreographed; and the stakes get higher each time.  The stuff that man does made him a legend for a reason.

In the audio scene, I finally finished book 12, The Gathering Storm, of the Wheel of Time.

I am 1000% thrilled by this book.  I spoke for an hour about it with my friend who originally got me into it.  Delicious.

Lastly, I’m having a real club yearning day.  I grew up a club kid (sans glowsticks, although they are fun), and this song very much isn’t *exactly* my cup of tea, but it’s definitely something I could have imagined pumping out the bass speakers as I trolled the crowd and danced:

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*edited for links working. Helps if you paste HTML into HTML editor, and not visual editor. Oy.