Security Company Finds Chink in Steam's Armour [Steam]

Security Company Finds Chink in Steam's ArmourOf course, an online security company has a vested interest in pointing out security loopholes, but still, this makes for interesting reading.

Revuln has taken a look at how Steam runs and has found a tiny security loophole in the way the Steam browser protocol uses a URL handler to perform basic tasks like installing and executing games.

Seems Apple’s Safari can run these commands without the user knowing, meaning attackers could potentially use the browser as a means of sliding in and compromising all kinds of games.

I know, Safari, but a hole is a hole, and the way Revuln found it and detail it is pretty good reading.

Security Company Finds Chink in Steam's Armour


Originally written and published by Luke Plunkett at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.
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