PS3 Youtube app …Finally!

20120816-144843.jpgI am not a huge youtuber (no that is not some subterranean vegetable) but there areis times whenand i likehave to throw vids up on my TV, and the quickest way to do that is through my PS3. Unfortunately, I have gotten very frustrated trying to pull up YouTube vids via the PS3 browser. It loads slow, the navigation is challenging and unless you put the video to full screen it would be a choppy disjointed mess.

As of this week, though, a YouTube app is available for the PS3. I haven’t had a chance to dig deep into it and try everything, but even for light use it is a huge step up in quality. The videos automatically come up full screen, run smoothly and the videos string together well when viewing a list. I didn’t run a search so I still need to explore that feature, but it would have to be pretty bad to be worse than the browser capability.

So that does bring up the point of the one thing the PS3 browser is good for…nothing. If Pandora would put out an app, I don’t think I would ever launch the browser. It is a horrible mess. Why Sony doesn’t try to fix it I don’t know. It would be a small quick win which they could really use since it doesn’t seem to be willing or able to take on the larger wants and needs of the fanbase.