PS3 Owners, You're Getting Skyrim DLC. Eventually. One Day. [The Elder Scrolls]

PS3 Owners, You're Getting Skyrim DLC. Eventually. One Day.While Xbox 360 and PC owners are getting excited for Skyrim’s second piece of major DLC, PS3 owners are still waiting to get their hands on the first. So they’re understandably a little curious as to why the hell that is.

Taking to Twitter, PS3 owners have been asking Bethesda’s Pete Hines for info and status updates, and Hines, while avoiding specifics, has been answering.

@elderscrollsotr We are working on multiple projects, even beyond those two things.The entire team doesn’t work on one thing at a time.

— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) August 28, 2012

@shirairyu0043 Understood. We’re disappointed too, but we’re keeping at it.

— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) August 28, 2012

@shirairyu0043 No, they are separate things.

— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) August 28, 2012

@ghostoftyrone I continue to do my best to get info and something to update folks with. When I get something I can share, I will.

— Pete Hines (@DCDeacon) August 28, 2012

So that’s…something, right? I’m sure what he could say is “hey, the PS3 version of this game has serious problems and that’s making this DLC really hard”, but I doubt that would fly.

Bethesda insists Hearthfire development has not caused Dawnguard PS3 delay [Eurogamer]

Originally written and published by Luke Plunkett at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.
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