Personal Log, Stardate 011910

My time off comes to an end.  Over the last couple of days, I have done some website work (with more to follow soon), trained my niece to do some of what I do, spoken multiple hours on the phone and tried to relax.  It’s been a stressful last week; and this week looks like my work schedule is going to be very full.  I had today off, but at a major price for tomorrow.  My list is longer than my arm.  I was discussing it with the other person at the office; this Sunday will be my last day off for 13 days straight.  I’m expecting 12 hour days and to be absolutely fried at the end of each of those days.

I’m still going to try to play in the headstart of ST:O if the Borg is unlocked.  Otherwise; I probably won’t.  I’m having a hard time deciding between Escort class ships and Cruisers.

I’ve knocked out a fair bit in the open beta; I’m 3 levels from the current cap of 16.  Why bother when the characters will be wiped in about a week?  The more I have experienced now; the easier the transition will be to the live and being able to help my friends with their builds.

But as for now; it’s time for some much-needed shut-eye and sweet dreams to reset my brain for the day’s tasks in the morn.