No, President Obama is Not Plugging NBA 2K13 With His #my2K Campaign

No, President Obama is Not Plugging NBA 2K13 With His #my2K CampaignOn a long drive back yesterday evening I heard over the radio that President Obama, using the White House bully pulpit in deficit negotiations, had opened a social media campaign designed to pressure Congressional Republicans. If tax cuts set to expire on Jan. 1 do so, middle-class families would take a cash hit of around $2,000 in 2013. So the president’s media folks created #my2K as a Twitter hashtag. Use it, he said, to tell everyone what #my2K means to you and your family.

“Well, #my2K means My Player in NBA 2K13,” was my first thought. And I wasn’t alone.

That awkward moment when you think #My2K is talkin bout NBA 2k13 but its not, so you get slightly disappointed.

— #Oomf (@DJ_Wallie_Mayne) November 28, 2012

My2K is indeed the shorthand for the single sign-on account in NBA 2K from NBA 2K12 to NBA 2K13 this year. It hasn’t trended like other NBA 2K hashtags have, but it has come up. Still, there’s the 2K branding, and the fact that President Obama has appeared in NBA 2K since NBA 2K11, either in the game’s championship cinematic or, amusingly, as a coach after 2016 in the game’s career modes.

#My2K is just proof that Barack Obama plays NBA 2K13

— Matt Berman (@Mr_Berman) November 28, 2012

So, write your elected representatives. Tell them what #my2K really means to you.

That awkward moment when you see #My2K trending & you think it has something to do with a created character from @2ksports‘ NBA 2K13 #Hooked

— David Vereen Wright (@MrWrightNowDW) November 28, 2012

Kinda interest why the president would take interest in 2k sports.Maybe he will want to play an online game of nba basketball.#My2K 🙂

— Agent Aleman #465 (@hawkfire) November 28, 2012

#My2K means that I can actually buy Nba 2k instead of playing the free demo.

— $hiv (@Therealrealshiv) November 28, 2012

Originally written and published by Owen Good at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.
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