More Elected Officials Blame Games For Violence

Update: Senator Lee’s chief-of-staff, Adam Keigwin, responded to our inquiry with a phone call. He wanted to note that Senator Lee’s choice of words wasn’t the best: “It wasn’t the most artful thing he ever said.” He also said that, although the Senator was quoted accurately, his statement was in the context of the gaming industry; the quote “was not directed at individual gamers.”

His chief-of-staff noted that he himself is a gamer, as well as other staffers in the Senator’s office, and even the Senator’s children.

In short, Yee feels that the gaming industry doesn’t have credibility, but rather a “vested interest” in continuing the status quo, as “violent games are successful.” As such, “their position isn’t relevant in this debate.” Rather, the Senator wants to know “what’s the science?” behind any correlation between violent games and violent acts.

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Originally written and published by at IGN PS3. Click here to read the original story.
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