Man, The CW Is Really Worried People Might Think Arrow Is Green

Why does The CW hate the color green? Did the color green kill a CW executive’s dad or something? Because not only did they remove “Green” from their upcoming Green Arrow TV series, but now this new promo — which makes the show look pretty darn good, by the way — is in black and white, lest anyone accidentally associate the emerald archer’s basic hue with the show. Well, the joke’s on you, CW, because I have a green-gray color deficiency! My very minor color blindness keeps me from telling gray apart from green, so Arrow here might be entirely green as far as I know! In fact, this might be the greenest Green Arrow has ever been! I can’t tell! So there! (Via CBR)

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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