James Gunn May Be the Guardian of the Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvel is reportedly talking to James Gunn — director of Slither, Super, and writer of Lollipop Chainsaw — to direct their Guardians of the Galaxy movie. It’s an unusual choice, although it fits in with Marvel’s policy of hiring somewhat unexpected, rather talented but also extremely cheap people to handle their giant superhero flicks. While Gunn’s sensibilities have always been low-budget and rated R, I imagine he has the capacity to handle a big budget and work PG-13 — if only because Marvel seems to think he does, and they’re batting 1,000. On the other hand, Gunn is definitely the least traditional filmmaker Marvel would have hired, and thus the one most likely to turn in something… non-commercially successful, let’s say. Anyways, there’s no need to speculate until he’s hired and some actual details come out. Unless you’re a nerd blogger and need to pad out an article, obviously. (Via Heat Vision)

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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