How The Walking Dead Confounds Gaming’s Gloom

Woe and lamentations, sorrowful ululations. These are the noises coming from the doom-sayers of gaming, who point to miserable sales of boxed games as proof that we are tumbling down the slippery cobblestones paved to hell itself.

Game sales are down 20% year-on-year. Gaming has “lost” 12 million members. Wring thy hands and await apocalypse ye weeping wretches.

But hark. Rub those tear-stained cheeks. Is that the sound of champagne corks and jolly huzzahs. What devilry is this?

‘Tis none other than Telltale Games celebrating its surprising status as top of the gaming world, and not a box to be seen, not a single digit wobbled or disturbed upon NPD’s brick wall of stats.

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Originally written and published by at IGN PS3. Click here to read the original story.
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