He-Man's Getting a New Videogame, and Here's Why You Shouldn't Care

First and foremost, it’s an iOS game. Not a real videogame. And don’t get into semantics with me — cellphone games are mostly designed as fun timewasters, and since this Masters of the Universe game is a 2-D brawler, not a genre that cellphones can manage with much complexity, I think we can designate it the same. The game has 27 levels, which include a shit-ton of generic enemies no one has ever seen before, some big enemies no one has ever seen before, and at the very least Skeletor, Mer-Man, Beast Man and Megator (oh, and Skeletor’s robot minions, if you care) as you can tell from the other screenshots at IGN). If you think I’d be excited to have a He-Man game, any He-Man game… well, you haven’t been reading TR very long. If I’d ever had the chance to play a good He-Man videogame in the 30 years since the toys debuted, I’d happily accept this for what it is. But since I haven’t, I’m pissed that I’m getting another inconsequential, not particularly accurate Masters of the Universe game instead of something… consequential and accurate, I guess. I have no idea what kind of MotU game might satisfy me, but I do know I will almost certainly keep complaining until someone makes it for me. I’m not proud of this. I’m just sayin’. Thanks to everybody who sent in the tip, though.

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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