Fan Fiction Friday: Tony Stark and Iron Man in "Right Out of My Hair"

I tell you the worst part about FFF — other than, you know, actually doing it. The longer it takes me to look through several hundred erotic fan fics of varying terribleness, the less I want to do FFF. I mean, even if I’m not writing FFF, reading these stories is punishing enough. If I’ve not found a story in two hours of searching, I’ve still paid the emotional price of an FFF, but have nothing to show for it.My point is that this happened today, and I very, very much did not want to do an FFF at all. But I hate disappointing you poor, twisted souls who look forward to agony of FFF every Friday, and I just happened to find this very short story right before I gave up. It was between this or nothing, so I hope you appreciate it. It might not be too punishing to you, but it is literally the last of hundreds of erotic fan fics I’ve looked through today. This is about all I could take.He’s working late again, so she fixes him a drink. It’s bourbon, orange juice and spit. She knows it’s a little bitchy of her, but he has barely looked her way these past twelve days, and he did marry her, after all. She thought that would change things. Yes, you should always marry someone expecting them to change totally for you. That always works out.You see, he doesn’t really like orange juice.MAYBE BECAUSE YOU KEEP SPITTING IN IT, POTTS. Sigh. Let’s continue this after the jump.

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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