Fan Fiction Friday: Shadow the Hedgehog in "Death Cannot Separate Us"

One thing before we start today: When my computer died last week, I lost about 100 bookmarked fan fics. Not all of them were good FFF material, but they were all potential FFFs, and now I’m left with nothing. What I’m saying is that if you know a fan fic that might make good FFF material, please go ahead and email them to me. Right now I’m just wandered the dismal, sticky halls of, hoping to find something interestingly awful.I don’t know that this story by Corpsegringer666 is particularly interesting, but hoo boy, it sure is awful. Like, really awful. Like, reading it — even my FFF version — is just an exercise in futile self-hate and despair. It was sent to me by Canis Minor, so please blame him when this is all over. I just work here.

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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