Exclusive: King of the Nerds Crew Member Responds to Backlash

Earlier today, I got an email from one of the behind-the-scenes folks at King of the Nerds, calling himself Julian. Having seen my earlier post on the topic and subsequent comments, he admitted that he couldn’t disagree with the criticisms based on what has been seen so far, but asked to tell his side of the story.

You have to understand, I don’t think there were any sinister intentions of pandering or poking fun of nerds. They needed to make a show that walked that thin line between appealing to John Q Public AND the Comic Book Guys and the Lewis Skolnicks of the world.

How could I resist? The whole thing is worth a read.

Julian’s full tale is after the jump….

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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