Evil inside of me is on the Rise… A Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog Review

Wow Joss Whedon, just wow… you have indeed made the internets that much more awesomer!!!

I mean first off how can you go wrong with a cast like Neil Patrick Harris, Felicia Day, and Nathan Fillion… that’s right you can’t 😀

Background: This brilliant sing-a-long was created during the writers strike to prove to the networks that money could be made without them. It was originally offered via itunes in three seperate segments… but as it goes with all things epic after all three segments had been released it became a youtube free-for-all viewing experience.

Acting: These guys did a great job with there comedic timing, vocals, and especially character performance…I mean I really believe deep down that Captain Hammer is indeed a Corporate Tool.

Plot: Without giving away anything… I love that this is a story where the “bad guy” is the protagonist… and that it’s his view that we get the story from 🙂

Music: It is witty and you guessed it chocked full of awesome tuneage… as I said earlier great vocals, but it’s so much more than that in the music department… you will love every song… they are catchy, goofy, and deep at the same time… just amazing!!

But I feel that the best way to do this outstanding work justice is to just go ahead and let you be the judge:

Keep in mind this is just the first Part of Act 1:
Please enter the url to a YouTube video.

Ten Epic Wins out of Ten Epic Wins