Editorial Staff Note: Reviews Alignment

Hey kids,

Just an FYI, I’m submitting the wonderful reviews we’ve all been coming up with to several review aggregators (I’m hoping to actually land us on Metacritic in time), and one thing I’m noticing is we need a standardized review system.  I’ve made one which I’ve posted below, and will always be found on the Reviews page at the top of the site:

Reviews are done by contributors to Gamersledge Blog.

Ratings system:  0-10 in .5 increments, with 0 being That’s So Raven to 10 being Phenomenal Cosmic Power.  You may see reviewers state:  3 out of 10 redheads.  Any item added after the review score is for lulz only, and not meant to reflect in any way towards the numerical score given.  We’re like that.

What this means for you:  If you’ve ever reviewed anything, odds are I have converted your score to a out-of-10 point system, trying to mathematically stay as true as possible to your original score.  If you have a qualm about the new score, just change it to what you think is accurate out-of-10.

This is a small change, but will ensure that as our community expands, we’ll have editorial consistency as we move forward and I submit your reviews to more outlets, making you internets famous!