Dr. Who in the Ozarks

So two separate milestones today with this post.

1. (is the loneliest number thatcha ever do). This is the first post I’ve done using the iPhones native wordpress app. Pretty snazzy.

2. (can be as bad as one; it’s the lonliest number since the number wah-uhnnn) this is the first time I’ve loaded pics from the phone directly into a post.

It came up on one of the threads by NeoSapian that although I live in the middle of nowhere, I have a TARDIS in my town. Granted it is the traditional red, but still.

Why do I have a royal telegraph phone booth in the middle of nowhere, Missouri? The answer is that one of the locals fell in love with a British girl and convinced her to leave. But she wanted to bring a piece of her homeland with her. And thus, the TARDIS in Shell Knob, MO.

Sadly, she passed away late last year from cancer, but her husband still keeps it in front of the shop they had selling wooden furniture and imported British goods.