Cards Against Humanity Makers Donate $70,000 To Wikipedia

Cards Against Humanity Makers Donate $70,000 To Wikipedia‘Tis the season for giving, sure, but this is still a bit extreme. The makers of the obscene (and funny) card game Cards Against Humanity have recently shared the financial results of their pay-what-you-want holiday expansion.

They sold $295,828,90 worth of expansions, and after shipping and manufacturing expenses, were sitting on $70,066.27 in profit. They could have spent that money on so many things, but instead, they donated the entire amount to the Wikimedia Foundation, who make Wikipedia. A classy show from the makers of a deliberately unclassy game.

In classic Cards Against Humanity stye, the makers were sure to share a list of the things they opted not to buy, from an insane amount of live crickets to enough condoms for everyone in El Paso:

Cards Against Humanity Makers Donate $70,000 To Wikipedia

Cards Against Humanity Makers Donate $70,000 To Wikipedia

Good show, guys.

Holiday Stats [Cards Against Humanity]

Originally written and published by Kirk Hamilton at Kotaku. Click here to read the original story.
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