Borderlands 2: Pirate's Booty Review

When the credits rolled at the end of Borderlands 2, I knew I loved it. Its exceptional writing, fun combat, constant stream of loot, fun quests and the sense of place sucked me into Pandora for hours and left me hankering for more story content. Now that we finally have more, though, in the form of Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty, it’s obvious the original campaign set a high bar that’ll be tough to clear. Pirate’s Booty provides hours of fun for people longing for more Borderlands 2 gameplay, but the story, characters and quests feel flat compared to the core campaign.

As soon as you hit level 15 you can instantly fast travel to Oasis, the starting point for the Pirate’s Booty content. Doing so triggers an awesome cinematic intro where you learn about a long-lost treasure. You’ll also meet Captain Scarlett, a sand pirate who you’ll help in an epic quest to uncover a host of loot. The story starts off great, with hilarious and well-written characters like Shade, but quickly stumbles into mediocrity. A few quests for Shade and you basically never see him again, leaving you with a slew of other characters which, despite having occasionally witty or charming dialogue, largely never come all that close to being as engrossing or great as I’ve come to expect from Borderlands.

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Originally written and published by at IGN PS3. Click here to read the original story.
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