Arrow's Aim Appears to Be Shockingly True

There was a really large amount of TV news that came out of NYCC this weekend. I should really do a trifecta or even a STYNK compilation, but the news is all so big it really feels like they each deserve their own post. Like, for instance, this Arrow sizzle reel for the upcoming season, which 1) looks surprising badass (and I say that as someone who thought the pilot was already surprisingly badass) and 2) includes a shit-ton of fan goodness, including Deathstroke in action, Deadshot in action, China White in action (she actually appears on this Wednesday’s episode, for the record), and more. I particularly like the quick glimpse of John Barrowman in full-on Suave, Smug Motherfucker mode. Anyways, I was excited for Arrow before, and now I’m actually ready to forgive them for dropping the word “green.” That’s saying something.

Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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