Activision Blizzard, What the ????

So, in the course of a few short weeks Activiziblizargesaultmegazrodofevildesu has shut down Red Octane, gutted Neversoft, beheaded Infinity Ward and pretty much guaranteed I will not be supporting them anytime in the near future.  Even my excitement for a certain Blizzard game that has taken forever to come out has been shot to hades.  I get it’s a business, but when you are killing off top assets, one has to wonder WTF over.  Meanwhile everyone loves EA.  You gotta love the oddness of that.

I also just read that Squenix has dissolved their music team.  This follows on the heels of many of their top composers leaving the fused company to take on life as a freelancer.  While this probably has less impact than it sounds like, for a studio that has been known for it’s amazing soundtracks it is a sad thing to see.  I hope to get more regular with the inputs, but we will have to see how things go.  As always I am open to comments/critiques and discussion on any of these or other topics.  Just be patient since i can’t get to this at work, and I am firmly stuck in the past (relative to the contiguous 48 states).