8 Fictional Business That Have No Business Being in Business

Movies, TV, comics and videogames can teach us many important things. Thanks to Saved by the Bell we learned about the horrors of caffeine pills. Thanks to Indiana Jones we learned how to survive nuclear explosions and to stay away from Indian restaurants. And, if it weren’t for videogames, most of us would die of diphtheria every time we try to visit Oregon. But if there is one thing they can’t teach us, it’s business administration.

Businesses in fiction are always a funny thing. On one hand most of us work for a company and all of us except North Koreans and Cubans buy products and services from them, so they are kind of important in our daily life and so they have to appear in our fiction too. On the other hand most writers have no goddamn idea how they work (see also “computers”). Because of this, we end up with a bunch of companies that wouldn’t last a day in the real world, or in most worlds, for that matter. Here are eight fictional companies that should have sent everyone home and closed doors years ago. Please note that while there are a few evil companies on here, we ran that list a little while ago. This is a list of incompetent companies. Many evil companies are quite smart; we’re only interested in the ones whose evilness gets in the way of making a profit.

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
GameStop, Inc.