8-bit Linkin Park. There’s other stuff, but what more do you need to know?

Let’s get this out of the way:

I… I don’t know what to make of it. Pure awesome? Worst idea ever?
I’m interested to hear everyone’s take on it.

Next up, in more music/game related news, you know the teacher had to be fired for this. PORTAL SPOILERS DO NOT WATCH IF YOU EVER PLAN ON PLAYING THE FIRST PORTAL GAME EVER:

The crazy guys over at Rifftrax (post-Mystery Science Theatre 3000 guys if you aren’t familiar with their new name) are doing a Rifftrax for a single quarter. It’s a live stream of a taped rifftrax, but for a quarter? There are worse dates 🙂

Click the image to check it out; April 1st 8pm CST

Next up, I’m a big magic fan; but moreso of Penn & Teller, because I like the gratification of learning how these things are done; a study of the human psyche, if you will.
This is perhaps the most amazing card trick I’ve ever seen, ever. I don’t know how he does it.

Mashable has a bunch of em here.

Also, I wanted to post this to the local TV Salesman who told me not long ago that analog was far-superior to any HDMI signal he’d ever seen.

(originally seen at The Rip)

A bit of marketing tip compiled into one spot; a really good read on the integration of social media for small businesses.

And lastly, Topless Robot brings us the ten most impossible feats by He-Man in comic/tv forms. God I miss the ’80’s cartoons.

Proving you can resolve anything with your fists. I punch fire!