7 Supremely Bizarre '90s PC Games That Featured Musicians

Okay, that title probably makes it sound like I’m stretching, but here me out: as videogames rose in popularity in the mid-nineties and became a viable merchandising opportunity, it should be no shock that other industries took interest. Many infamous examples exist of musicians and music companies trying to make a buck with a Make My Video or a Kiss: Psycho Circus. There was a period, though, when the popularity of Myst and similar titles inspired more broad-minded folks to come up with something weirder, and so we have an interesting bunch of games (or, if you want to sound old-fashioned, CD-ROMs) that give us an artist’s attempt to use this new medium to experiment, some more than others.I’m not as concerned with whether these are good games or not so much as the fact that they exist in the first place. These days, you can download an app about an artist you like, but that’s usually just clips, pictures and isolated pieces of information, not a trip through a mystical palace on another planet. I suppose Bjork’s Biophilia and similar apps might be considered the descendants of the specimens on this list, but it’s just not the same. Like it or not, there’s simply no going back to the cultural moment that gave us the following. As you’ll see, that may, in some cases, be for the best.

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Originally written and published by at Topless Robot. Click here to read the original story.
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